New Game!
The Bit Players broke out a brand new game Sat Night called "Scene in Time", the game went over great with The Scene taking place in present day, The Revolutionary war and The Dark Ages! Puns were about with Red Sox vs Yankee's turning into Red Coats vs Yankees. And A War in The Middle East today turning into a War in the Middle East (Virgina...that is) in the Revolution! If you missed this game come out and see a show soon, we're sure to play it again!
Good Cop, Bad Cop with a rare perp: Dylan! Dylan was one smart Criminal, figuring it all in record time!
Anna wasn't feeling so Hot during Bartender, she had The Plague...
Kevin sings a Hymn about his life in a Bomb Shelter with Jim and Dylan as his angel choir
Dylan responds with a Hymn of his own, solving Kevin's problems!
Tap The Audience, Frank and Dylan we're not very good Janitors
Jim and Kevin attempt to Dance...and fail...
In Mini-Musical Jim was Sir Arthur protecting his land from violent invaders Dylan and Anna
Check back later in the week for more news, updates and pictures!
Dylan responds with a Hymn of his own, solving Kevin's problems!
Tap The Audience, Frank and Dylan we're not very good Janitors
Jim and Kevin attempt to Dance...and fail...
In Mini-Musical Jim was Sir Arthur protecting his land from violent invaders Dylan and Anna
Check back later in the week for more news, updates and pictures!
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