Vlad Tenenbaum and Neal Leaheey (center) with John Mulligan and Kevin Killavey Ryan Hartigan narrating "Slideshow" |
An introspective crowd filled the Firehouse on Good Friday, the solemnest day of the Easter weekend festivities. Unlike the crowd of Jesus’ day, our audience did not cry out for Barabbas. Instead they soon were swept up in the zany antics of the Bit Player’s world of improv characters that came to life before their very eyes. During “Slideshow” we traveled to the far corners of the world on a trip to Canada with Ryan Hartigan narrating. We saw Eastern European influenced statues of Aphrodite entwined with the “cultured” peoples of our northern border neighbors. Vlad Tenenbaum could hardly contain his laughter standing almost nose to nose with Neal Leaheey.
Two members of the audience (Chris and his pregnant wife Lisa) were the subject of a “Doo Run Song” performed by Ryan, Neal, and Kevin Killavey. To keep the audience participation going, with Chase Ceglie and Devon Mello accompanying them (on saxophone and keyboards), The Bit Players “Serenaded” a couple (Jim and Emmy Sullivan) who were planning on having their daughter’s 16th Birthday at the Firehouse (guess they really wanted the gig). See their video here -> http://youtu.be/Z8Vq4hOqLug
John Mulligan, Dylan Eberle, and Ryan Hartigan in "Day in the Life Dream/Nightmare" |
Ending the 1st set, before the intermission break was“Day in the Life Dream/Nightmare” a bit resurrected from the Bit Players attic repertoire. In this sequence of scenes we saw a reenactment of a Day in the Life of an audience member (Amanda, the Theatre Director). In the 1st scene we saw Amanda’s worst possible day “The Nightmare”, with hungry crows lurking over her bed, attempts at being forced-fed, and inept actors not heeding her blocking and cues. In the “Dream Sequence” the audience delighted in this version of Amanda having satisfied several of her lovers, to the accompaniment of a lute-player, and actors who performed her work so well that she was lauded by critics for her NY debut premier of her show.
Kevin Killavey, Neal Leaheey, Ryan Hartigan, Vlad Tenenbaum, John Mulligan, and Dylan Eberle in Mini-Musical "Flowers in Bloom" |
The highlight of the 2nd set on Friday night was a Mini-Musical entitled, “Flowers in Bloom” where the audience was taken on a musical journey of three gardeners (played by Kevin, Neal and Ryan) who meet the evil Lords Yaxley (John Mulligan and Dylan Eberle) who try to prevent our gardeners from displaying their beautiful flowers at the flower show. The Lords Yaxley turn their poisonous Russian flower loose on our gardeners. But the goodness of organic gardening, along with pooping birds to fertilize their flowers, win out, and the evil Lords Yaxley are defeated.
The Bit Players "Serenade" newlyweds, Jimmy and Kelly |
Captivating the audience in a way in which only Vlad Tenenbaum can do in his mime-sketch “Art Class”, Vlad had several members of the audience draw a collective picture on paper and then describe the picture in words. The words became the suggestions for Vlad’s story, which included a Christmas tree, lollypop, an eagle, a lobster, a coat hanger, and graffiti all played out in a cohesive story told with his body, through mime.
Matt Lindman, Stephanie Conrad, and Jim Foley in "Bartender" |
Not scripted, but funnily in keeping with the religious theme of the weekend, “MoonDoggy” saw our expert, Reverend Jamie Miller (performed by Jim, Tim, and Matt) as an authority on God. Interviewed by Ryan, we learned that Rev. Miller first encountered God in aisle 9 at COSCO where God was purchasing toothpicks. When asked what the toothpicks were for, the Rev Miller explained that God used them to pick a new Savior by flicking them at people. Ryan then asked how God knew that the person selected was indeed the Savior. God replied that they would exclaim, “Oh, Yeah!” to which the audience, without missing a beat, responded in unison “Oh, Yeah!”
See this amazing "Revelation" by clicking here -> http://youtu.be/Zct5SiRFDfk
Finishing out the weekend with a Mini-Musical entitled “Pull All The Fire Alarms From My Heart”, an imaginative suggestion provided by a 9 yo boy in the front row, the Bit Players took everyone on a fun-filled, roller-coaster ride of a school-aged love story. Words cannot do this piece justice. You have to watch the video to appreciate its hilarity.
The enthralled audience not only appreciated the Bit Player’s efforts on the evening, they showed it by rewarding the players with standing ovation. So, come out and see what the excitement is all about in person! The Bit Players perform improv comedy every Friday and Saturday night at 8:00pm at the Firehouse Theatre, 4 Equality Park Place (off Broadway), Newport, RI 02840. Please call the box office for reservations . (They DO SELL OUT!)
401-849-FIRE (3473)
And as always, it is BYOB!
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