A somewhat less argued philosophical debate, “Which came first; Mothers or Fathers” could have given us cause for reflection on this Father’s Day weekend, but not at the Firehouse Theater, the home of the Bit Players. Here is where both sexes are equally lambasted and are used for comical fodder and good natured humiliation (if there is such a thing).
The Bit Players in "Story Styles" |
Frank, Neal, and Dylan in
"Good Cop / Bad Cop" |
Starting off the night in a bit called “Story Styles” , audience member Joe got to live a dream (or nightmare) in a story entitled, “The Day Joe Was Kicked Out of Math Class” performed by the entire Bit Players cast.
In “Good Cop / Bad Cop” James Worthington III, (of the Jamestown Worthingtons, …spoken with an upturned nose) played by Neal Leaheey, was coerced into a confession, (by our cops, Frank Fusaro and Dylan Eberle) of killing “The Kool Aid Man” with a “Clipped Toe nail” (oh, how droll) in “Davy Jones Locker.
The Bit Players "Serenade", Bachelorette Sarah |
5th Grade Teacher ,Sarah, due to marry Dan in a few weeks time was “Serenaded” by the Bit Players. The Players had a little fun with Sarah jibing about Dan’s claim at teaching, as a Phys Ed teacher and also of Sarah and Dan’s rivalry in baseball teams, with Sarah supporting the CORRECT team, the Red Sox, and Dan (who should be severely punished by being forced to listen to Yogi Berra sound bites) routing for the Yankees. View the video here: -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7ZVcitI-vc&feature=youtu.be
Vlad Tenenbaum in "Art Class" |
“Art Class” is always a joy to watch as Vlad Tenenbaum tells such amazing stories with his body, through mime, as he incorporated the audience suggestions of a chicken, soda, face, TV, and umbrella into a wonderful narrative entitled “Home Alone”.
Dylan, Frank, Matt, and Vlad in "Sports Casters" |
In “Sports Casters” Frank and Dylan, aka Chet and Chip, reported on the “Bed-Skirt 2012” where Jose Rodrigues (played by Matt Lindman), and Stephanie Susan (played by Vlad) competed to the death in the sport of bed making.
In the second set of Friday’s show, another bachelorette in the house, Amanda , and a birthday girl, Alicia received a treat and were invited up to the stage in a bit called “Tap The Audience” performed by Matt and Frank. “Yeah, That was Easy!”
Anna and John in
"Shakespeare Alphabet" |
Matt and Frank perform "Tap The Audience" with
audience members, Amanda and Alicia |
On Saturday’s night’s first show at 8:00pm, the theatre at capacity, The Bit Players were in full stride. In “Shakespeare Alphabet” John Mulligan and Anna Smith performed a sexy tragedy?? (With those two, you just never know) John was given some Shakespearean version of Viagra by Anna in this bizarre scene.
Frank and Matt in "Actor's Nightmare" |
John and fellow Bits "Serenade bachelorette, Jen |
Frank and Matt took on “Actor’s Nightmare”. In this bit, an audience member selected a script from a bag filled with various plays. Matt then could only speak lines directly from the script and Frank not only had to justify what Matt said, but also respond to the dialog in the scene. See the video here: -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86Ybx1MwZ_s&feature=youtu.be
Vlad, Matt, and Frank perform
"Epic Poem" |
There must have been a sale on both bachelorettes and teachers because they were everywhere this weekend. Jen, a Special Education teacher, soon to be marrying Jeff, also a teacher(of anatomy) on June 30th was the focal point of another Bit Player’s “Serenade” on Saturday’s show.
After the intermission break, audience member Debbie (of the rowdy crew along the side wall, celebrating her birthday) was given a special birthday gift. “Little Debbie” was honored with an “Epic Poem” all about her and mate, Paul, as performed by Vlad, Matt, and Frank.
Matt, Anna, Frank, and John in
"Irish Drinking Song" |
Another audience member, Emma, not only celebrating her birthday, but also a BACHELORETTE AND A TEACHER, soon to be wedding Peter, an oil company baron, was the proud recipient of and “Irish Drinking Song” all about her, sung by Matt, Anna, Frank, and John.
The Bit Players in "Slideshow" |
In the late night, 10 pm show, in “Slide Show”, Frank took us on a trip to Paris, where we met Parisian prostitutes and smoking midgets. We also heard about Frank harrowing ordeal of getting lost while en-route to Nice. However, his personal escort introduced Frank to her niece. Then, Frank was mugged by Gerard Depardieu. Finally, Frank joined the Parisian Circus, fell in love with the bearded lady, procreated, and produced a boy in a box. The rest is history.
John, Frank, and Stephanie in
"Doo Run Song" |
Bruce and his sassy friend, Tim enjoyed the limelight in a “Doo Run Song” performed by John, Frank, and Stephanie Conrad .
Anna, Matt, and Stephanie in "Mini-Musical"
Although it was the late show and the players were running on adrenaline, they took on “Mini-Musical”. The entire cast of players jumped in and belted out an assortment of tunes in a musical entitled, “Forever Yours”
How appropriate to find as the subject of an “Irish Drinking Song” an audience member (Mary Ann) a forensic social worker who actually worked with the criminally insane. Hmmmm… I wonder if she was thinking of corralling a few of the Bits to take back with her????
The Bit Players perform improv comedy every Friday and Saturday night at 8:00pm at the Firehouse Theatre, 4 Equality Park Place (off Broadway), Newport, RI 02840. Please call the box office for reservations 401-849-FIRE (3473) And as always, it is BYOB!
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