On Friday, the crowds were rambunctious, and wanting to have some fun. The Bit Players did not disappoint them. Leading the way, Lobo Linhares was hosting his third ever Bit Players show. Lobo was accompanied by fellow Bits, Vlad Tenenbaum, Kevin Killavey, Neal Leaheey, Patrick Dugan, and Jim Foley. The musical backdrop was provided by Chase Ceglie and Devon Mello.
The Bit Players perform "Story, Story, Die!" |
The Bit Players got things started with their intro bit, “Story, Story, Die”. In this bit, as many of you already know, the players have to tell a collective story, each player added into the story where the last player, as directed by Vlad, left off. Vlad may at any time kill off a player who is not adding to the story. Tonight’s story found Ryan the Chef on the dark side of the moon. In the story, our brave Chef Ryan is attempting to make the perfect soufflé for Newt Gingrich. By the end of the story, all the people of earth are clamoring for his moon soufflés.
Patrick, Neal, Jim, and Kevin in "Irish Drinking Song" |
“Irish Drinking Song” followed. In this Bit, Kevin, Neal, Patrick and Jim create an improvised Irish inspired ditty about an audience suggested person and their occupation. Tonight were heard the musical tale about Bob the Scarecrow stuffer.
The Bit Players perform "Mini-Musical" |
“Mini-Musical had everyone in the house roaring at the antics of the players. Tonight’s Musical was inspired by the audience suggested title, “Nuns on Wheels”. Click here to watch the hysterical antics of the entire cast in this improvised musical. Your faith will never be the same! --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssQzvHZ4O6c&feature=youtu.be
Vlad performs "Art Class" |
Up next, our resident mime extraordinaire, Vlad, amused the audience in his bit, “Art Class”. With audience suggested items of harmonica, cart, armoire, dart board, and closet, Vlad told a story incorporating all of these items with only the use of his physical actions and expression.
The Bit Players in "Survivor" |
“Survivor” took up the next slot in tonight’s set list. In this bit all of the players jumped into the scene creating various characters interacting with each other within the confines of a place suggested by the audience. Tonight our Bits found themselves at Wrestlemania. With a call-back to the earlier reference to nuns, we bear witness to a scene about good vs evil in this bizarre wrestling matchup. However, there is one more twist in this bit. When the scene was called the audience got to vote players out, one by one, by clapping for the player to be evicted from the scene. In the scenes following, the actors that remained were required to include all of the character created in the original scene. In the end… only one player survived, and had to act out all five of the original characters. Tonight’s winner, Patrick gained the audience’s approval, with his rousing rendition of the one-man-show version of Wrestlemania.
Andrew is "Serenaded" by The Bit Players |
In the second set, Birthday boy, Andrew was called to the stage by his buddy, Lobo to be “Serenaded” by The Bit Players. Andrew, a teacher at URI and author of fiction, celebrating his 24th Birthday with his friends, admitted that his hobby was coming to Bit Players shows. The Bit Players had some fun with Andrew in their improvised song inspired and created all for Andrew in tribute to his special day.
Vlad, Jim. Pat, and Kevin in "Three-Headed Expert" |
The newly created “Three Headed Expert” was up next in the Bit Players arsenal of bits. In this bit we saw an expert (Kevin, Patrick, and Jim) who could only speak consecutively one word at a time, being interviewed by Vlad. Tonight’s audience suggested topic was psychiatry, and our expert, Dr Shultz who learned how to cope with disasters from his very hot mom. Dr Shultz eventually killed his mother and then studied human art, creating pop-sickle stick sculptures and paper machete airplanes.
The Bit Players perform "Jeopardy" |
Kevin was on fire in the bit, “Jeopardy”. Kevin’s questions to the audience suggestions of DONKEY (What is the Mafia Don’s thing that he uses to start his car), POTASSIUM (What did a friend of Edgar Allan Poe say to him when he was looking at a really fine booty), NARWHAL (What did the Pirate say when he walked into a wall), and DOO RAG (Cloth I use to wipe the grass in the morning), were a big hit with the audience.
"The Blues" performed by The Bit Players |
The Bit Players finished the night with their signature sendoff, “The Blues” entitled The Processed Food Blues.
The Bit Players perform improv comedy every Friday and Saturday night at 8:00pm at the Firehouse Theatre, 4 Equality Park Place (off Broadway), Newport, RI 02840. Please call the box office for reservations and information about all of the shows 401-849-FIRE (3473) And it is always BYOB!
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