Happy New Year!!!
Yes, it’s been a while since this blog has been updated, but that doesn’t mean that the Bit Players were not producing some seriously amazing shows over the holiday season. Audiences were treated with new bits like Santa’s Lap and Blank the Blankety Blank, as well as the seasonal favorite bit, Scrooge. The crowds also flocked to the Firehouse Theater for “Family Friendly” shows throughout Christmas week as well as a phenomenal THREE New Years Eve Shows, complete with all of the New Year’s Eve fanfare and party accoutrements.
So… with a week into the New Year, the question begs to be asked… How many of YOUR resolutions have already been broken? If one of your resolutions was to see more Bit Players shows, here is some Good News! Even if you cannot make it to the Firehouse Theater, you can watch all our shows ONLINE! Go to http://www.ustream.tv/channel/bitplayers each and every Friday and Saturday night. When the shows go live, so does our stream! After all, the Bit Players not only want to make their fans happy, they want to make them psychologically healthy too by offering new ways to keep them laughing in the New Year!
And speaking of New Year’s resolutions, if you, like me, are embarking on yet another diet/healthy eating regimen, and if you attended Friday night’s Bit Players performance, you may have been seriously “tested” with the shows ever-present reminders of food. With Vlad Tenenbaum as the host, and an extended cast of Frank Fusaro, Matt Lindman, Stephanie Conrad, Jim Foley, Patrick Dugan, and Lobo Linhares, accompanied by musicians, Chase Ceglie and Devon Mello, the audience was in for quite a “Treat”.
Frank, Stephanie and Jim remain in "Story, Story, Die!" | | |
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Beginning with Jose’ s Adventures in Taco Bell from the bit, “Story, Story, Die”, we learned from the entire Bit Players cast about the new Coconut taco craze. However when the supply of these delectable treats could not meet the demand, a rebellion ensued with rioting in the streets. However the quick witted action of Jose’ of using shredded paper in the place of the scarce coconut ingredient quelled the unrest, and all was right with the world.
Pat, Stephanie and Matt perform "Doo Run" |
Next up was “Doo Run” performed by Stephanie, Matt, and Pat which entertained food service in a high flying manner. This improvised musical bit was inspired by Eddie the food caterer for planes. (Do they even serve food on airplanes anymore? I was even hard pressed to score some peanuts on my flight!)
From food to drink, “Irish Drinking Song” is always a favorite at the Firehouse. Stephanie, Matt, Frank, and Lobo were up for this musical ditty where we learned of the antics of Jason the traveler (Not to be confused with Gozer from Ghostbusters). Enroute to Toronto, Jason is in search of Canadian beaver, and is thrown in jail for drinking in the street. All ends well though, for Jason as he finds a friend in jail and they travel around in a Mercedes Benz.
The Bit Players perform "Doo Wop" |
With the audience suggested item of sexy underwear, “Doo Wop” had everyone in stitches. With solos from Jim, Stephanie, and Frank, it was Matt who wrapped up the improvised 50’s styled song exclaiming that people would “holler and hoot” replacing the sexy underwear with his “Birthday suit”. (If that visual in your brain doesn’t inspire you to go to the gym, I don’t know what will).
Pat and Lobo (Grunge Duo), Matt and Stephanie( Opera/Country) and Frank and Jim perform as 'NSYNC in "Telethon" |
The first set ended with a “Telethon” for the fictional cause of Lactose Intolerance. Vlad introduced the talent who offered to raise the awareness for this plight. First up we had Lobo and Pat performing as the duo Grunge group “Milk Fart”, followed by an interesting Country/Opera pairing of Stephanie and Matt. Finally it was Jim and Frank performing as two of the members of the boy band, ‘NSYNC. (Joey Fatone and Justin Timberlake eat your heart out).
The second set for Friday was equally phenomenal. With audience energy at full throttle, the Bit Players continued to push pedal to the medal.
Frank, Matt, and Pat in "That Sounds Like A Song" |
In a stellar performance of “That Sounds Like A Song” Frank, Pat, and Matt, playing good friends who come to an impasse, when one of them (Frank) is tricked into getting married by his Slovakinian internet bride-to-be. Frank bemoans his luck and his apprehension at being the “anchor” for this green-card seeking girl. Able to speak Slovakinian, Pat provides a solution to the problem. Pat admits his loneliness to his friends and offers to trade places with Frank and marry the girl. As a crazy scientist, Matt reveals a plan to his friends that he has the technology to physically remove their faces and switch them on the other’s skulls (akin to the Travolta/Cage movie, Faceoff of the 90’s). You have to see this video to appreciate the evolution of this story. Click here to watch -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrEKReKm6lQ Also check out the related image on our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/BitPlayers#!/photo.php?fbid=437621709626637&set=a.211075865614557.65110.210962915625852&type=1&theater
Birthday Girl, Dana is "Serenaded" by The Bit Players |
The Bit Players had some fun with Birthday Girl, Dana who was called to the stagefor a “Serenade” in tribute to her special day. Fittingly for this show, Dana is a Dietician hailing from Narragansett. Her boyfriend, Josh also in the attendance was good naturedly jibed for his job of being a Tug Boat Captain. The Bit Players created an improvised song in celebration of Dana’s day, completing the roast of the couple by suggesting that people from Narragansett were just as classy as the beer.
The Bit Players sing "The Blues" |
The show ended in Bit Players fashion with a “Blues Song” from an audience suggested topic about Childhood toys. Although Jim may have finally found Waldo, and Stephanie may have been disgruntled with her parents for her Speak & Spell, telling them to “Go to Hell”, Pat, working for an insurance company had an ingenious proposition for his firm to bring back the pogo stick. Matt sang a tale of woe over his magic eight ball yoyo and it’s snapped string, but now has the time to spend with his new friends, the boozy hoes from Narragansett. Frank on the other hand has given up on video games and now occupies his time, alone… with his new favorite toy… But we’ll leave that up to your imagination if you weren’t in attendance for Friday’s show to hear what it is. If you were, then….. you KNOW (and I’m sorry!)
Saturday’s show offered just as much fun and wackiness as Friday. Taking over the hosting duties for the night was Frank, joined by Vlad and other members of the troupe, Anna Smith, Neal Leaheey, Clayon McFarlane, and Jessica Bradley.
Neal and Jessica in "Shakespeare Alphabet" |
Where one man’s meat is another man’s poison, we saw this all too clearly in the bit, “Shakespeare Alphabet” starring Neal Leaheey and Jessica Bradley. In this alphabetically controlled scene about murder and royalty, Jessica tried to outsmart her murderous brother, Neal’s treachery and poison him instead of the intended target. In the end Jessica manages her own duplicity and applies the toxin to her brother, taking the reign of their kingdom for herself.
Frank, Clayon, and Anna perform in "Good Cop / Bad Cop" |
In the next bit “Good Cop / Bad Cop”, Anna and Frank took on the roles as the law enforcement, with Clayon as the perpetrator. Anna and Frank had the audience snorting in laugher as they supplied clues of the audience crime to which Clayon had to confess. Although Clayon nailed his immediate confession to killing Al Pacino with only frank having to mention his Italian roots, Clayon scurried a little off target with Lobstah (pronounced as it is written if you are a native New Englander), and then completely stumbled on the location of the crime being Frank’s bed. (But who wouldn’t be confused if Frank provided YOU with a clue of it being a place that has a lot of action? Not to mention that Anna had been there. We all know Anna has standards after all. )
Audience member, PJ is "Serenaded" by The Bit Players |
The Bit Players completely caught audience member PJ off guard by inviting her to the stage for a “Serenade”. Jr College Math teacher PJ, from St Louis, vacationing and visiting with her grade school gal-pal, Amy was the topic of tonight’s improvised song. We learned that although PJ was married to Mechanical Engineer, Randy, this was strictly a girl’s only weekend, leaving Randy back at home.
Vlad and Jessica in Half-Life |
The seldom played bit, “Half-Life” was un-shelved for tonight’s show. In this bit the players recreate a fairytale chosen by the audience. For tonight it was Sleeping Beauty. The catch however, is that they must recreate the scene over and over in increasingly smaller amounts of time, from one minute, all the way down to one second. The audience loved the frenetic pace and the torture put on them by the bit’s host, Frank.
Vlad and Frank as "Bartenders" and Jessica and Clayon as patrons, with Anna also joining in the fray |
“Bartender” a bit that normally caps off the first set was changed around and inserted into the second set of the night. In this scene, Frank and Vlad, the bar’s defacto counselors, not only sit in session to hear the musical declarations of their bar’s patrons, they also provide them with musical guidance to their patron’s problems. Tonight saw Jessica forgetting her pants to which Vlad advised to her become a stripper. Clayon’s problem was a little more sensitive in that he was stalking his neighbor due to his inability to profess his love to her directly. Frank, the eternal match-maker, not only provided compassion to his wayward friend, he took control and introduced Clayon to a very violated Anna, the subject of Clayon’s pursuits.
Anna and Frank star in "Ding" |
“Ding” was probably the audience’s favorite bit of the night. In this bit the actors, Anna and Frank are subject to the fickle bell of host Vlad. If Vlad doesn’t like where the scene is going he can “buzz” and the actors must come up with completely new dialog. If Vlad “dings” then that becomes the new reality within the scene. In this scene Frank and Anna are Athletic Directors. Watch the video to see the events that unfold in this zany situation. Click here to view this hilarious video -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UYrmpKv4fk&feature=youtu.be
Anna joined by her fellow bits sings "Blues Song" |
The night ended with the musically improvised “Blues Song” appropriately for the New Year, about new born babies… with the catchy chorus of… “I’ve got the low-down dirty, new born baby blues…”
From Birthdays, Bachelor/Bachelorette Parties, Anniversaries and even marriage proposals, want to arrange a unique event for someone special? Why not show your love or appreciation for that certain someone, LIVE onstage! Bring your friend or loved one to the Bit Players show, and celebrate in a one-of-a-kind way. Contact the theater for information on how we can help you plan and make your event special!
The Bit Players perform improv comedy every Friday and Saturday night at 8:00pm at the Firehouse Theatre, 4 Equality Park Place (off Broadway), Newport, RI 02840. Please call the box office for reservations and information about all of the shows 401-849-FIRE (3473) And it is always BYOB!
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